
The Games of Hunger: The Movie

After a few changes in the plans and a minor (completely unwarranted) freak-out concerning tickets, we made it. Sunday evening, PocketNerd, The Lady, Frenchie, and I--accompanied by several tag-alongs--saw The Hunger Games movie. Of course, The Lady has yet to actually read the book, so she couldn't say which she liked better, but Frenchie, PocketNerd, and I all have varying opinions of the film.

I personally liked the film, but it was a little disappointing in some minor aspects.

First, I'd just like to point out that Katniss looks remarkably healthy for someone who is regularly starving from lack of food. But I realize that it's a bit unethical to make an actor (or actress, as the case may be) starve himself for a role, so I'll let it slide.

Second, they cut my favorite lines from the book. Really? Which of the following scenarios do you think is better?

1) Katniss goes looking for Peeta along the riverbank. Peeta, who is in hiding, catches Katniss's attention by grabbing her ankle.


2) Katniss goes looking for Peeta along the riverbank. Peeta, who is in hiding, tells Katniss not to step on him. Conversation ensues, and Peeta jokes "Frosting. The last defense before death." Of course, if you don't know that Peeta is a skilled painter, and has disguised himself to blend in with the scenery. But they mention this in the movie, so it all works out.

They also cut a particular scene in which Katniss and Peeta purposely eat like wild men, just to annoy their escort, who is particularly obsessed with manners. Not really important to the overall plot of the film, but a funny scene nonetheless.

Overall, the movie was good, just not really was I expected. It's a little violent, but nothing that teenagers shouldn't be able to handle. No scenes are particularly risque, and nothing is really insinuated. There was just enough romance to keep true to the book, but it is a little hard to tell what Katniss is really thinking.

But, despite our differing opinions overall, we all agree that Peeta's face when he's yelling at Katniss to run is priceless.